Beyond photovoltaics:
renewable energy plants

What are the other challenges of the future in terms of electricity production and consumption?
In addition to the development of medium and large scale photovoltaic plants, which are Solar IT’s core business, we are involved in:

Wind power plants

A clean, renewable and inexhaustible source of energy, wind power is nothing more than the kinetic energy produced by the movement of air over the earth’s surface, between areas of high and low pressure.
Today, wind power is constantly developing: if current growth trends are confirmed, wind power generation could cover 20 per cent of global electricity demand by 2030, resulting in a reduction in CO2 emissions of more than 3 billion tons per year.
Wind farms (consisting of a group of wind generators with sizes ranging from 600 kW up to 5 MW, arranged on the land in order to make the best use of the site’s wind resource), are also spreading in Italy. And, unlike what one might imagine, a wind farm occupies a very small portion of land in proportion to the renewable energy it is able to produce.
Solar IT has developed the necessary skills for the complete development of wind farms, following all activities required for wind project development: from the identification of suitable sites to feasibility studies, from the authorisation process to the management of relations with local authorities: our team therefore takes care of the assessment, processing, authorizations and licences, and land management.

Floating photovoltaic plants

Solar IT also designs and builds floating photovoltaic plants. Perfectly integrated into the environment, floating plants can be realized on hydroelectric dams, reservoirs, lagoons and quarry lakes.

Floating solar parks are not only renewable energy production facilities, but also water conservation elements, reducing water heating and thus evaporation.

Electric storage: let's make green energy programmable

With important national and international partners, we design, develop and operate electrochemical storage plants serving NP-RES producers, consumers, and grid services.

We believe that a large part of the new NP-RES plants that will be built in the coming years in order to reach the targets set by the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) will have to be equipped with energy storage systems able to provide part of the grid services listed above.

In this way, it will be possible to meet the targets for installed non-programmable renewable capacity, while ensuring the safety and smooth operation of our electricity system.

For all photovoltaic plants that we are developing, and that our company will develop over the next few years, we examine and evaluate the possibility of integration into the design of electrochemical energy storage systems.

Energy communities

What is an energy community?

An energy community is made up of a group of private citizens, companies and businesses that decide to join together to build one or more renewable power plants for the production of electrical energy, with the aim of sharing and self-consuming the produced energy.
The energy produced by the plants that are part of the community, and that is shared, is entitled to an advantageous price of 110 €/MWh for 20 years.

Solar IT identifies and organises new energy communities in the light of current regulations.